Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary Requesting Public Comment Through October 16, 2010

The management plan review process for NOAA's Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary is underway, and the public is encouraged to participate by providing comments to the sanctuary. The public comment period, which began in July, will continue through October 16, 2010.

The sanctuary is encouraging public input on a proposal to expand the sanctuary’s scope to protect and conserve other living marine resources, in addition to humpback whales and submerged cultural heritage resources within the sanctuary. This proposal is detailed in the State of the Sanctuary Report Special Management Plan Review Edition and is available to the public on the Internet at:

A series of public scoping meetings was held from August 10 through August 26, 2010. During the meetings, comments on management considerations were accepted as input to the management plan process.

Additional comments on future management priorities are being accepted through October 16. During this period, comments can be sent via mail, email or fax. Information on how to submit comments, and links to related documents, including the Sanctuary Condition Report, are also available on the sanctuary website, or can be obtained by phone by calling: 1-888-55-WHALE, ext. 267

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