Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bristol Bay Sockeye Coming to Seafood Expo North America

Bristol Bay sockeye salmon is making its debut March 16-18 at Seafood Expo North America, formerly known as the International Boston Seafood Show, March 16-18 in Boston. The presentation will be made at the Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association’s booth on the show floor. The BBRSDA will also be participating in a panel discussion about sustainable seafood brands, and hosting a reception for fishery stakeholders and supporters at the New England Aquarium.

The reception will feature specially prepared Bristol Bay sockeye salmon appetizers along with an update from Bristol Bay representatives about the national campaign to protect Bristol Bay from proposed large-scale mines.

Bob Waldrop, executive director of BBRSDA, said the organization is excited to be heading to Boston to share the Bristol Bay fishery, its fishermen and salmon with the world. “Bristol Bay sockeye accounts for nearly half of the world’s sockeye production and we certainly believe that this is a product that people want to know more about,” Waldrop said.

The seafood expo itself attracts over 19,000 buyers and suppliers of fresh, frozen, packaged and value-added seafood products, equipment and services. Attendees travel to Boston from over 100 countries to do business at the exposition.