Wednesday, April 16, 2014

ComFish 2014 Addresses Market Trends, Technology, And More

ComFish 2014, Kodiak’s annual commercial fishermen’s forum and trade show, opens on Thursday, April 17, with an agenda offering information on everything from market trends and new energy technologies to environmental news updates.

Lead seafood analyst Andy Wink of the McDowell Group in Juneau, will speak about market trends. Father Joshua Resnick, of St. Innocent’s Academy, and owner of Kodiak Electric Vessel LLC, will discuss new energy technologies. And Martin Loefflad, director of NOAA’s North Pacific Observer Program, with Nancy Munro, of Saltwater Inc. will do a presentation on observer programs and electronic monitoring projects.

Also on the first day’s agenda is an open meeting with Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, and Alan Risenhoover, NOAA”s director of Sustainable Fisheries, and a fish taco feed at the Kodiak Island Brewery, hosted by Alaska Marine Conservation Council and the Alaska Jig Association.

The second day of ComFish will feature forums on preserving working waterfronts, and commercial fishing insurance concerns and the Affordable Care Act, plus discussions on how limnology, the study of inland water systems, aims to boost sockeye salmon runs, and high resolution benthic imaging. Also on Friday’s schedule is an update on the Pebble mine issue and current actions of the Environmental Protection Agency.

New on Saturday, April 19, will be a processor’s filleting competition, organized by Ocean Beauty Seafoods, featuring Kodiak seafood pros, an overview of Alaska’s permitting system and fish habitat protections by Bob Shavelson of Cook InletKeeper, and a photo exhibit on images of the Exon Valdez oil spill on Kodiak Island, hosted by the Kodiak Maritime Museum.

The complete Comfish agenda is online at