Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Value of the Fleet

April 23rd marked our fourth annual Bering Sea Fisheries Conference where more than 140 fishing industry representatives convened to discuss how to maximize the economic potential of the Bering Sea fishing fleet recapitalization program. The new build and conversion of the fleet began in earnest after the American Fisheries Act amendments of 2010, and quantifying the potential has been an ongoing project for us at Fishermen's News. This year we developed a spreadsheet, vetted by the industry, which we presented at the conference. Included in the spreadsheet is the data we've compiled. We will continue to revise and update this information throughout the year, and plan to make the presentation of our results a regular part of the Annual Bering Sea Fisheries Conference. We welcome your questions, comments and other feedback about the data we've presented here, and about conference topics in general. Please call 206-284-8285 or email