Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Federal Fisheries Council Prepares for October Meeting

The North Pacific Fishery Management Council will take on Gulf of Alaska trawl bycatch management issues, community development quota Pacific cod fishery development and the observer annual deployment plan in October in Anchorage.

The agenda for the 219th plenary session is still being developed and not all documents are available, but the council has posted all materials available at this time online at

Council staff said Sept. 2 that the agenda would be continually updated with associated documents as they are released.

For information on how to access these documents through an iPad app called iLegislate, please call the NPFMC at 1-907-271-2809.

The meeting at the Anchorage Hilton hotel will be broadcast at

Adobe connect has an app for listening on mobile devices.

Three other fisheries related meetings are also being held the week of the council meeting.  They include a workshop for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Recreational Fishing Policy on the evening of Oct. 7, a Steller sea lion critical habitat workshop on the evening of Oct. 8, and a Bering Sea fisheries ecosystem plan public hearing on the evening of Oct. 9.

All meetings are open to the public, with the exception of executive sessions of the council.  Council staff said that other committee and work group meetings may be scheduled on short notice during the week.