Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Federal Fisheries Council Meeting Underway in Anchorage

The North Pacific Fishery Management Council’s fall meeting is underway in Anchorage through Oct. 14. The meeting is being aired over the Internet at
Motions will be posted online following the meeting.

The council’s scientific and statistical committee began its meeting’s on Oct. 6, on the observer deployment plan, and the council’s advisory council began it’s discussions on the same subject on Oct. 7. The full council was expected to take up the observer annual deployment plan today, after hearing a report from NPFMC executive director Chris Oliver. Oliver’s report is expected to include updates on Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act legislation and a discussion of the council’s joint meeting with the International Pacific Halibut Commission, plus management reports from the National Marine Fisheries Service. The agenda is online at

The council has scheduled final action during this meeting for community development quota Pacific cod fishery development.

The council has allocated time for discussion of Gulf of Alaska trawl bycatch management, including discussion papers and a salmon genetics report. The final report on the Amendment 80 five-year review and an initial review of Aleutian Island Pacific cod allocation and delivery requirements are also on the agenda.