Wednesday, December 3, 2014

SeaShare Needs Help Feeding Another One Million People

SeaShare, the Seattle-based non-profit organization that focuses on seafood as a nutrition source for hungry Americans, launched a month-long campaign on Dec. 1 to provide an additional one million seafood servings to food banks.

For every dollar donated, SeaShare can access eight servings of seafood within the food bank network, says Jim Harmon, executive director of the organization.

SeaShare, which is now marking its 20th anniversary, just hit the 200 million mark on seafood servings, Harmon said. Now he’s hoping that the public will pitch in with enough dollars to boost that total by another million servings.

SeaShare, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization, was founded in 1994 with a mission of engaging the seafood industry in a collective effort to improve nutrition for people served by food banks and feeding centers.

The $100,000 donated recently by Pacific Seafood Processors Association in memory of Unisea President Terry Shaff, vice president of the SeaShare board, will be used for an Alaska-centered project yet to be developed, Harmon said.

SeaShare uses a unique donation model, Harmon said. “We try to build partnerships with fishermen and processors, and cold storage, freight, packaging and financial support sectors.”

It’s this unique donation model that brings several partners together to share costs associated with high value seafood donations.

“SeaShare knows how the industry works and makes it easy for us to make a difference,” said Mark Palmer, president of Ocean Beauty Seafoods.

“SeaShare’s donations allow Food Lifeline the opportunity to fill the shelves of hundreds of neighborhood food banks with wholesome protein that would otherwise be out of reach,” said Linda Nageotte, president and chief executive officer of Food Lifeline, in Shoreline, Washington.

Donations to SeaShare can be made at any time and more information on how to donate can be found at