Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Former Alaska ADF&G Commissioner Joins Nome-Based CDQ Group

Siu Alaska Corp., the for-profit arm of the Norton Sound Economic Development Corp. in Nome, Alaska, has hired former Alaska Fish and Game Commissioner Cora Campbell to be its new chief executive officer, effective Feb. 1.

Campbell will fill the vacancy left by the retirement of John Eckels, who has served in that capacity since Siu began doing business six years ago.

Born and raised in Petersburg, Alaska, Campbell now resides in Anchorage, and will work at Siu’s office there, first becoming familiar with Siu’s investments and partners and then helping to lead the company in its future endeavors, Siu officials said. Siu is invested in six commercial fishing ventures in the Bering Sea, and is under the direction of a seven-member board.

Through her time served on the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, Campbell became familiar with NSEDC and the community development quota program.

Siu board chairman Don Stiles said Campbell’s experience with the state of Alaska offered her familiarity with the CDQ program and the communities of the Norton Sound region.

Siu Alaska investments include crab, halibut, Pacific cod, black cod and assorted flatfish fisheries. The company also formed Bering Select LLC, the first commercial fish oil production facility in the world that produces oil from Alaska cod.

NSEDC represents 15 member communities and over 8,700 people in the Bering Strait region of Northwest Alaska. It is one of six community development quota entities in the state. More information is at