Wednesday, January 14, 2015

IPHC Takes up Halibut Bycatch Anew

Incidence of halibut bycatch in commercial fisheries with other directed catches comes before the International Pacific Halibut Commission Jan. 27, during the IPHC’s annual meeting, being held this year in Vancouver, British Columbia.

The Halibut Bycatch Working Group is scheduled to report to the commission during a public session of the Jan. 26-30 meeting, with a discussion of the way ahead and an upcoming meeting with the North Pacific Fishery Management Council in Seattle in early February.

The session will include discussion of regulatory proposals and catch limit comments, and the commission has scheduled time for public comments and further discussion.

The meeting agenda, including all sessions open to the public, is posted online at

Check back for updates. All public sessions will be webcast.

The meeting at the Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle Downtown Hotel begins on Jan. 26 with staff reports on the 2014 state of the halibut fishery and stock assessment, along with harvest decision table and regulatory proposals for 2015.

The meeting is scheduled to conclude on Jan. 30 with approval of regulations and catch limits for 2015, other actions as needed and election of the chair and vice-chair of the commission.