Wednesday, March 4, 2015

BBRSDA Will Survey on Buyback Impact

Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association is conducting a postcard survey of its membership of drift gillnet permit holders in March to determine whether to proceed with a socioeconomic impact study on vessel buybacks.

The analysis would provide valuable additional information to the fleet as they consider proceeding with the buyback, the BBRSDA told members.

Sue Aspelund, executive director of the association, said the hope is that members will respond within two to three weeks.

Last November the BBRSDA organized a Pacific Marine Expo panel conference and member meeting to disseminate findings of a Bristol Bay Buyback Economic Report commissioned from Northern Economics Inc., an Anchorage based economic consulting firm.

That report provided objective economic information about the Bristol Bay salmon drift gillnet fishery, as well as projecting how different buyback scenarios and associated payback schedules might impact gross and net revenues. A copy of that report is online at
The general sentiment expressed in public comments at the meeting was that the BBRSDA should continue collecting and disseminating information.

As noted at the meeting, the Northern Economics report did not address the socioeconomic information necessary to fully evaluate the potential outcomes and impacts of a buyback program in the Bristol Bay drift fishery. A second study would be required to get that information.