Wednesday, July 8, 2015

PSPA Seeks MSC Certification

The Pacific Seafood Processors Association has applied to be a second client of the Marine Stewardship Council for a certificate that certifies the sustainability of the fisheries from which they harvest their salmon.

PSPA President Glenn Reed said July 7 that he expects the process to take about six months.

Reed said that he represents PSPA corporate members Trident Seafoods, Peter Pan Seafoods, North Pacific Seafoods and Alaska General Seafoods, but that any salmon producing company that wants to be part of their client group on an equal cost sharing basis will be welcome to join in that certificate.

PSPA is a nonprofit seafood industry trade association representing seafood processors operating in Alaska and Washington State.

PSPA was not involved in any of the earlier efforts of Trident and several other processing groups, who had previously been MSC certified, to join the MSC client group for Alaska salmon held by the Alaska Salmon Processors Association. The MSC logo on wild Alaska salmon products has been demanded by some buyers who had previously pledged to carry only MSC certified salmon.

Officials with the London-based nonprofit have said that their program requires certificate sharing and they sponsored mediation efforts in Seattle between ASPA and those wanting to join its certificate. When that attempt proved unsuccessful the MSC board directed both sides to come together for binding arbitration, but SPA withdrew during that event.