Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Knapp Looking at Bristol Bay Salmon Prices

University of Alaska Anchorage professor Gunnar Knapp, best known in the fisheries industry for his research on salmon markets, is at work on yet another such study, this time into the prices of Bristol Bay salmon.

Knapp said in an interview on Dec. 7 that this is part of the research he plans to continue even after his retirement in June as director of UAA’s Institute of Social and Economic Research, which was announced in early December. The results of that research were expected to be released by mid-December.

He said he also plans to finally finish his book on the Economics of Fish, and other long delayed writing projects

In his 35 years with ISER, researching and teaching about numerous economic issues facing Alaska, Knapp has included extensive research on Alaska’s salmon industry and salmon markets, earning an international reputation as a fisheries economist. While looking forward to retirement, to allow him to spend more time with his family and enjoy outdoor sports in Alaska, Knapp said he would continue to work part-time with ISER, to help Alaskans understand the fiscal challenges currently facing the state.

On the issue of genetically engineered salmon, Knapp said the product faces a major issue of consumer acceptance and time will tell whether stores want to offer it and whether consumers will buy it. There is a lot of consumer interest in some kind of labeling, but there are powerful economic forces against that, particularly some in the grain industries, he said.

Knapp, who earned a doctorate in economics at Yale in 1981, is considered to be an international expert on world salmon markets among academic and industry groups, and has traveled to many countries in connection with his research on salmon markets, including Canada, Japan, Russia, Norway, Chile, Iceland, Vietnam, China, New Zealand and other countries in connection with his research on salmon markets.