Wednesday, December 23, 2015

SE Tanner, Gold King Crab to Open Feb. 17

Survey data is still being analyzed in advance of the upcoming commercial tanner and golden king crab fisheries in southeast Alaska, which will open by regulation on Feb. 17.

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game said this past week that quotas for both fisheries are to be announced in January.

The registration deadline for both fisheries in Jan. 19, and anyone registering after that date will be required to pay a $45 late fee.

Buoy tags are mandatory for all commercial tanner and golden king crab gear and are available at any area office in Southeast Alaska for $1.25 each.

State biologists said that the season start date for both fisheries is based on the date with the smallest Juneau tidal range between Feb. 10 and Feb. 17.

Fishermen are also reminded that weather delay criteria for the tanner and king crab fisheries have been adopted into regulation. Any delay to the start of the 2015/2016 seasons due to weather will be announced 24 hours before the start of the fisheries.

Further information on these fisheries will be announced in subsequent news releases.