Wednesday, April 20, 2016

IPHC Will Sell Research Fish

Halibut harvested and sampled during research operations off northern California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Alaska this summer will be sold to offset costs incurred by the International Pacific Halibut Commission.

Approximately 15 vessels will be involved in the research stock assessment survey, with landings between early June and early September, with average trip poundage for halibut ranging from 5,000 to 35,000 pounds, plus lesser amounts of rockfish and Pacific cod, the IPHC said.

All of the fish will be well iced, and the IPHC will attempt to keep all of the fish less than six days when selling into fresh fish markets. Older fish may be landed when selling into frozen markets or as required by specific projects.

The IPHC said the age of the fish would be communicated in the sales announcement, and that industry suggestions on how the IPHC can maximize fish quality or improve fish sales procedures are welcome.

Sales will be awarded based on IPHC objectives of achieving a fair market price and distributing sales among buyers and ports, with sale agreements based on prices at the time of the sale.

The commission said it plans to contact interested halibut buyers prior to each landing, with preferences given to buyers with a history of successfully marketing halibut and following ethical business practices. In awarding sales, the IPHC said it would consider price, the number of years buyers have been buying and marketing halibut, how fish are graded at the dock, and promptness in settlements following deliveries.

While obtaining a fair market price will be a primary consideration in awarding fish sales, the commission said it might award sales to buyers with slightly lower prices in consideration of other factors listed above.

All interested buyers, including those with past IPHC sales history, interested in purchasing, must complete an interested buyer form, (online at and mail, fax or email that form to the commission before May 1.